hmmm what a thought!
pueto is a place where a phosphorus phenomenon runs rife through the warm waters washing in from the bosom of the pacific ocean. basically this means that the waters of this beautiful coastal mexican town absorb sunlight during the day, and at night, glow with such vivid colours. when you dive into the sea in this special part of the world the H2O swirls with what seems to be spectral refraction however this only happens at night when there is little to no source of light. the water seems to project hyper-colours from its lucid form.
it is as if you are dripping glowing beads from your pores, and all around you is bright marine life such as crabs, and sea cucumbers (or so i believe!). however crocodiles have been known to grace the more sheltered parts of the coast however not to fear for you will be able to see the glowing beast heading towards you before he chomps down on you. you will have enough time to compose yourself and poke the prehistoric dinosaur in the eye or bite him first!
this town epitomises my desire in life at this very moment. the desire to be in a secluded exotic location where no one knows or cares who the hell you are and where you came from. sublime anonimity. a feeling of freedom. freedom from my wake of history and expectation. not to say i would not want to return to those i have grown up with and love but, right now i would like to wallow in the glowing waters of ambiguitiy.